Legal Notices


You are currently connected to the website of Cedrus Partners, a simplified joint-stock company with capital of 789,036.67 Euros – RCS Paris 521 566 422 – SIRET 521 566 422 00031 – NAF 7022 Z, headquartered at 11, rue Christophe Colomb, 75008 Paris. An investment firm accredited by the ACPR (under CIB 14883), a member of the ASF professional association. Insurance broker, insurance agent and broker in banking operations and payment services, registered with ORIAS under number 10055559. Professional civil liability and financial guarantee underwritten with Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty under number FRF000948.

Publication Director: Mr. Matthieu Broquère

Host: SAS OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59100 Roubaix

This site is intended to present the activity of the investment company Cedrus Partners. The information available on this site is for informational purposes only and has no contractual value. This site does not constitute investment advice, nor an offer of products or services, nor a solicitation of any kind.

The information contained therein is provided for indicative purposes and aims to provide the reader with information to guide their decision-making in view of a collaboration with Cedrus Partners.

Information on any past performances reproduced does not guarantee future performances in any way. It should be noted that the financial products described on this site are, among others, illiquid and entail a high degree of risk for investors.

Past performances do not predict future results nor a guarantee of the capital invested. Before making an investment decision, please contact your Cedrus Partners consultant.

Intellectual Property

This site is the property of Cedrus Partners. Any copying or reproduction of all or part of this site (logo, design, text, or other data), without the prior express and written agreement of Cedrus Partners, is strictly prohibited.


As the data controller, Cedrus Partners has formalized a new privacy policy to inform you how Cedrus Partners uses and protects the information you transmit to us, if any, when you use this site accessible from the following URL: (hereinafter the “Site”).

This new policy takes into account the changes to the personal data protection law of January 6, 1978, following the entry into force, on May 25, 2018, of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Please note that this privacy policy may be amended or supplemented at any time by Cedrus Partners, particularly in order to comply with any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or technological developments.

1- What is Personal Data?

The term “personal data” refers to any information that can identify you directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier. Personal data includes information such as

  • your first and last names,
  • your contact details,
  • your date of birth.

2- How does Cedrus Partners collect your personal data and for what purposes?

Cedrus Partners ensures to collect only the personal data necessary for explicit, legitimate and specific purposes.

Cedrus Partners collects your personal data through various documents throughout our contractual or commercial relationship, including

  • the client knowledge questionnaire,
  • subscription forms, if applicable.

The collection of personal data is mandatory and aims to:

manage the commercial relationship, including prospecting. This collection has, in particular, as its legal basis, Article L561-5 of the Monetary and Financial Code requiring financial investment advisors, insurance brokers, and banking and payment service brokers to identify the client or, if applicable, in the case of a legal entity, the beneficial owner,

manage the customer relationship (subscription to investment products offered by Cedrus Partners and follow-up of the client relationship). The processing of these data is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party. Without it, the contract cannot be concluded or executed. In the context of customer relationship follow-up, we may ask you to update these information if necessary. This collection will allow Cedrus Partners to respect its regulatory obligations relating to client knowledge at the time of subscription and/or updating of client data as set out in Articles L541-8-1 4° of the Monetary and Financial Code and 325-8 of the AMF’s General Regulation applicable to financial investment advisors,

  • Article L132-27-1 of the Insurance Code applicable to insurance intermediaries,
  • Article R519-21 of the Monetary and Financial Code applicable to banking and payment service intermediaries.

Via its website, Cedrus Partners may collect information about you through contact forms. When information to be provided is indicated by an asterisk in the contact form, this means that they are essential for Cedrus Partners to be able to respond to you.

Your personal data may also be used for anonymous statistical purposes aimed at improving our service offerings.

Cedrus Partners undertakes to transmit your personal data only to third parties essential to processing, and to never market your data.

All third parties essential to the processing of your data are located in a member country of the European Union. Therefore, no transfer outside the European Union is envisaged.

3- Who are the recipients of the personal data collected by Cedrus Partners?

As part of the collection of personal data via the “contact” interface of the website, your data is intended for Cedrus Partners employees who will process your inquiries and requests concerning our products and services, and to contact you for this purpose. The data collected in the context of the customer relationship (subscription and follow-up of the client relationship), are intended for all suppliers of products and services offered by Cedrus Partners, namely
  • banks,
  • account keepers,
  • management companies,
  • insurers.
Your data enable these actors to proceed with contract openings and treatments associated with the targeted product or service. Our suppliers contractually undertake to keep the personal data we transmit to them confidential. In addition, your personal data may also be transmitted to the National Chamber of Financial Investment Advisors (professional association of which Cedrus Partners is a member) or to supervisory authorities (Financial Markets Authority, Prudential Control and Resolution Authority) for control purposes to meet the legal or regulatory obligations incumbent on Cedrus Partners or its suppliers. Your personal data is intended to be transmitted to our service providers in charge of hosting the website and to our software suppliers (Salesforce, for example) to enable better monitoring of your requests and the customer relationship.

4- How long is your personal data collected on the Cedrus Partners website kept?

The personal data collected about you and your relatives, if applicable, as a client of Cedrus Partners, will be kept for the entire duration of our contractual relationships and then archived for a period of five (5) years as provided by the regulations applicable to the various regulated professions practiced by Cedrus Partners. Your personal data collected, as a prospect, may be kept for up to 3 years.

5 - What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

Under the conditions provided for by the law of January 6, 1978, as amended on May 25, 2018, and the General Data Protection Regulation, you have

  • the right to access the data collected by Cedrus Partners,
  • the right to erasure or deletion of the data collected by Cedrus Partners,
  • the right to rectification of the collected data, particularly if the data appear inaccurate or outdated. You can also request that they be completed if necessary,
  • the right to object, which can be materialized by the possibility to unsubscribe or to oppose the reception of our commercial prospecting messages,
  • the right to limit the processing of your data,
  • the right to portability. You can request the transmission of personal data to a third party.

We remind you that in accordance with the provisions of Article 40-1 of the law of January 6, 1978, as amended, you can formulate general directives relating to the conservation, erasure, and communication of your personal data after your death.

You can exercise these rights, at any time:

by postal mail, accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document, addressed to: Cedrus Partners, 11 rue Christophe Colomb, 75008 Paris, attention Perrine Faure-Brac,

6- Security of personal data

Cedrus Partners implements a set of operational approaches aimed at allowing the respect of the above principles and contributing to the protection of your personal data, notably through
  • confidentiality commitments taken by our employees,
  • an IT and information system security policy through our IT suppliers,
  • physical and organizational protection measures aimed at limiting the risks of inappropriate access to this personal data.

7- Policy for detecting, preventing and managing conflicts of interest

8- Contact

This site presents accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information. Cedrus Partners does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information and disclaims any responsibility resulting from the use of this site.

In case you have any concerns or complaints about the information presented concerning products and services on the Cedrus Partners website, we encourage you to contact us. We are committed to resolving any complaints you may have quickly and efficiently.

You can contact us using one of the following options:

  • by postal mail, by completing the complaint form specifying the subject of the request and explaining the request as clearly as possible, accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document, addressed to: Cedrus Partners, 11 rue Christophe Colomb, 75008 Paris, attention Louis de Rambures,
  • using our contact form on the site,
  • by sending an email:

Complaints will be meticulously examined by our teams and handled transparently. We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within a maximum of 10 working days from the receipt of the complaint unless the response itself is provided to the client within this timeframe.